Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Johnny Too Bad

The underlying meme for conquest in the 2004 presidential race, scribed by the mysterious Men by the Curtain, was "certainty." Resoluteness was seen as the pre-emptory leadership quality for our national leader. Although stubborness without accompanying good judgement seemed to me a virtue more appropriate for when a South-going Zax meets a North-going Zax, millions of voters dutifully absorbed this message and re-elected G. Bush to a second term.

It is of course too early to state unequivocably the victory meme of our current presidential campaign, but the fear of imminent terrorist acts and gut certainty are not a big part of the conversation. If I could hazard a guess based on the current state of the race, the big meme is composure- who will act responsibly and prudently in the midst of a crisis and provide stability, or at least project the aura of stability. In this arena, Sen. McCain fails miserably.

Between his campaign "suspension" historionics, racist demogogue impressions by his running mate, and outright lies, he is not running with a Zax mentality but more like the Cat in the Hat who arrives unannounced and creates havoc on unsuspecting house caretakers.
John McCain, will you please go now!
ps. and on a not entirely off-topic note: Alton Ellis died. May he rock steady in peace.



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