Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Monday, October 27, 2008

A connecting principle linked to the invisible

I don't know if it's just me, and this sort of stuff happens to everyone but they don't make a big deal out of it, but my life is littered- heavily laden I tell you- with coincidences. While I haven't done any statistical analysis of this phenomenon, it appears that simple conjoining of random events could produce this string of events, all of which have occurred in the last week or so:

--I notice that the publisher of one of the kid's books is Troll Publishers. That's odd, I think, because that's my grandmother's maiden name and it does not have wide currency. (Dear Reader, I can see you smirking out there and asking when we moved out from underneath the bridge. It's a German name and we pronounced it "trawl." So there.) I wonder if it's a family business and if we're related to that family. The next day I do some research and find out that Troll Publishing has been absorbed by the Scholastic Book empire. Then the day after that, the kids bring home a Scholastic Book catalog.

--On the iPod I hear Dylan doing "This Land is Your Land." The next song, randomly played from a set of over 10,000 songs, is Woody's version of the song.

--I come from a humble suburb of Cleveland. On a single day I read the name of the suburb in a mid-90s American novel and a research paper on transit-oriented development.

--I've thinking lately about how I used to travel the Money road, which folks said at night was a dangerous road because of the risk of running into a drunk driver. (Money, MS was where Emmitt Till met his tragic end.) So today I read that the town is in the news again because to some folks what happened in 1955 still makes them uncomfortable.

See what I mean? Is it just me, or does this regularly happen to everybody? Well, I guess it happened to Jung with enough frequency that he developed his concept of synchronicity around it.



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