Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Can you hear the lonesome whistle moan?

I can't help but to compare the US auto executives' arrogance and intransigent resistance to change to how railroad officials haughtily responded to demands for accountability and signs of its eroding power in the 20th C. Both industries formed the basis of the transportation system and were economic powerhouses, their influence far-reaching and pervasive. The impact of the both industries on commerce, land use, transportation would be hard to overestimate.

It is, of course, way too early to write an obituary for the domestic auto industry, but there is little evidence to suggest that it will survive in its current form. Meanwhile, we'll all driving Fords lately.

Caption text:
You probable thought it was smart to buy a foreign import of superior quality, with better mileage and resale value. Maybe you even thought that years of market share loss might prod up into rethinking our process and redesigning our products with better quality in mind. But you forgot one thing: We spend a shitload of money on lobbyist. So now you’re out $25 billion, plus the cost of your Subaru. Maybe next time you”ll buy American like a real man. Either way, we’re cool.

Below the three logos:
We’re the Big Three. We Don’t Need to Compete.™



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