Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Forget the future, the present times are such a mess

I was having lunch with the Big Guy, my former boss, and he was shaking his head at the inconsistency and shortsightedness of the decision to put me on part-time status. "I'll never understand it."

It doesn't seem so confusing to me. I never had any expectations that I would understand or adopt the values of the behommeth corporation where I'm currently employed that places its all-holy faith at the altar of Numbers. "How can you understand a number? You can't," I responded. How can you be passionate about numbers? Find wisdom and beauty, or be inspired by them? I don't think I'll ever get it.

And I don't think I'm alone in that.

Maybe that's why Bush and McCain, if he could've snookered the American public into electing him, targeted their tax cuts to the rich. Us folks in the middle class don't get numbers.


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