Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I have a dream that I will look upon this fair land one day and see conservatives who actually conserve

It depresses me that this country's political dialogue and power has been high-jacked by conservatives who don't conserve.

If they did, then maybe they would champion for clean water and clean air ("Air as clean as the Founding Fathers breathed!"), or stop an escalating utterly corrupt and illegal war that has consumed over $400 billion of our tax dollars ("War is fiscally irresponsible!"), or prevent the sprawl that is chewing up our forests, open space and agricultural lands ("Cornfields: Tax relief you can eat for breakfast!").

Sigh... one can only dream. And wait for conservatives to look at rising body counts and rising tides from melting ice caps washing over Orange County beaches and realize that Love is all you need.



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