Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We gotta clean up the human being side of town

Though the outcome of this year's presidential campaign hasn't been decided, I really hope that one thing has been revealed: Campaigning for the 51% win isn't a way to lay a foundation for effective governance to address the massive changes we need to make as a nation to maintain any semblance of the quality of life we currently enjoy.

Though we may never reach the people who don't want to be reached- the 29% who think Bush is such a peachy keen Prez of the Ages and the fringe lefties whose identity is consumed by the need to oppose the mainstream no matter where the stream diverts itself- I truly believe that we need to have some sort of consensus to move forward and re-invent the American Dream(s) so that is attainable for a majority of citizens and is less energy and resource consumptive.

This also requires us to redefine economic indicators so that our economic health isn't measured by how severely we bludgeon the earth and deplete valuable resources. Current indicators trumpet how many cars and houses the sausage factory spit out last month to maintain our Sprawl Life, and leave us anxious if the earth had a good month. A steady state economy may seem far-fetched right now, but eventually it may be the only choice we have left. But we have to chose it- more than 51% of us.



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