Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Monday, May 11, 2009

Big three killed my baby

One thing that's been revealed in this Bush recession is how the auto and housing industries are economically intertwined as the bleeding edge of the Sprawl Industry. Their products are both required to create a successful suburban ecological niche that is the predominant form of new residential and commercial development.

And there has been scarce talk in the national media of how the long term sustainability of the society is not served by the ad infinitum production of these human environments (though I hear there's a new brand of Cheetos that will do well there. But watch out for this bag.) , and it simply does not make sense for federal public policy to support these environmentally damaging industries as the twin pillars of our economy. But you already knew that.

I really like the idea that similar to having banks prove their worth, land uses should be subject to that type of review.



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